The CA has held three rallies now, and they have all been during Whit week, which (judging from the excellent turnout) seems to suit many owners. Plans are underway for the 2017 rally; we are planning something very exciting for next year and, although there are many details which will emerge later, we would like to firm up on the dates. To ensure maximum participation, we need your opinions on timing.
We would like you to consider the two options on timing and We’d would like responses from as many owners as possible who have some intention to attend, but expressing a preference is not a firm commitment at this stage (obviously you’ve no need to respond if you do not intend to join us, but if you would like to join us, but don’t like either option, please leave a comment). Please post your comments on the forum, using the link below.
The plan
We would like to hold a rally in Holland next year. Travel would be by ferry either from Harwich to Hook of Holland or from Hull to Rotterdam. Sailing would be in the Veerse Meer and the Oosterschelde. All venues will be Marina based except one which would be a raft up in the town of Zierikzee but there are good showers and facilities. All venues have good restaurants or club eating in the evenings. Full details to be confirmed; I’m interested only in level of interest and dates at this stage. Whichever time of year is chosen, owners might choose to extend the trip before and/or after the official rally. We will also approach the ferry company with the hope of securing a discount.
Please follow this link and leave your views on the 2017 rally: