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Marine Navigation Bill

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:30 pm
by Rockahee
Have you all read about the new Bill? I couldn't find reference to it elsewhere in the forum so thought I'd draw it to your attention.

It appears that the Bill will enable the extension of harbour authorities’ power to introduce new regulations, including criminal offences, that users of that harbour (including recreational boaters) would have no right to challenge.

Whilst I'm sure it is made with good intent for the marine industry, the impact upon leisure boaters could be far reaching, including setting rights of way, minimum crew, minimum equipment, etc.

As an indication of how much the government cares about leisure boating, there were nine MPs present at the last discussion on this Bill!

If anyone has an opinion on this then I suggest they read further via the the RYA's page (link below) and submit their view to the RYA via the links provided.

RYA calls for (recreational) boaters' views...

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 5:05 pm
by Ru88ell
Thanks Kevin. I wasn't aware that this was quite so onerous.