
Insuring your Cape Cutter 19.....


Postby billy g » Sat Jul 04, 2009 5:14 pm

Having just upgraded from a wayfarer to a beautiful homebuilt cape cutter bought from simon ballentine. I'm planning on keeping her on a mooring in milford haven, and wondered if anyone could recommend an insurer.
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Postby Ru88ell » Tue Oct 12, 2010 7:16 pm

I know this is about 18 months since the op, but speaking to Norma at HM is seems that is pretty good.

I used the online quote tool and it came out at around £120 per annum. Is that right? Looks cheap.
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Postby Michiel » Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:50 pm


On Norma's advise, I insured also with Craftinsure.
Came to £154.00.
I was happy with that.

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Postby Julian Fisher » Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:36 pm

I, too, have placed my insurance with Craftinsure. I found them friendly, flexible and helpful and the premium is very reasonable

I also obtained a quote from Saga (more expensive and less flexible). Under the heading “Additional conditions”, was the following:

B056 Small vessel non standard mooring

While in commission afloat but not in use the vessel must be kept
a. on the moorings stated in the Certificate of Insurance or
b. alongside a berth in a professionally run marina.
Additionally the vessel may be kept on any mooring for UP TO THREE
HOURS ( my caps) when left unmanned afloat.

Does this mean that, if your boat is firmly secured to a sturdy, well laid mooring and you go ashore to spend a day with friends or catch a bus to a nearby town to replenish your stores or perhaps have a long walk followed by a leisurely meal, you are in danger of losing your insurance cover?
What do you think?

Salty Dog 126
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Re: insurance

Postby Robert Alston » Thu Aug 20, 2015 4:18 pm

As the new owner of CC #108 I have just procured insurance from Newton Crum and can say I have been most impressed by their personal, and quick, service. Their cover for boat, trailer, outboard, electrics and tender, to include Marine Legal Protection to cover up to £25k legal expenses, and for use for UK coastal and inland waters cost £115 per annum.

This was for £5M Third Party indemnity cover, £5K medical cover for assured and spouse and boat etc. valued at £21,500. Not at all bad even though the boat will be store ashore November to March. I have used Newton Crum for many years for a dinghy policy and rate their service very highly.

Happy sailing. Robert Alston
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Re: insurance

Postby Robert Alston » Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:32 pm

It's time to renew my policy and I was happy to find that the premium was £112 (last year was £115) for £5m 3rd Party Indemnity and also legal expenses of up to £25K. This policy is for a swinging mooring with a condition that the boat is laid-up between 1/11 and 31/3 ashore.

Premium covers hulls, spars, sails, trailer, outboard (£950), tender (£350) and navigation/electronics (£200) with an exclusion for racing.

I would be interested to know this compares with what other CC19 owners have found. The £112 quoted includes IPT @ 9.5% and a £12 documentation charge.

Happy sailing!

Robert Alston
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Re: insurance

Postby Paul Turner » Tue Jul 05, 2016 10:37 pm

Hi Robert. £112 sounds very reasonable. I pay £155 through Craftinsure for similar cover. The premium is of course affected by the assumed value of the boat. Mine's based on an assumed value of £25k. Paul
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Re: insurance

Postby Robert Alston » Thu Jul 21, 2016 2:36 pm


I have eventually agreed £153 with Newton Crum to insure Vedette for another year. Cover is for hull spars sails etc. valued at £25K. Tender at £350. Outboard at £950. Trailer at £3,000. Handheld radio at £200. (I don't have a GPS).

Third party cover is for £5M plus legal expenses up to £25k. Cover is for UK coastal and inland waters and my sailing year is 1/4 to 31/10 with the boat being ashore from 1/11 to 31/3.

This suits my needs very well and one thing that sold the policy is the Newton Crum do not charge for amendments or for producing the policy docs (hard copy) nor do they charge for making a payment by credit card. In the event of a claim they do not make a separate charge for processing or paying a claim. Finally, their docs show they have been in business for 58 years which also gives me some comfort that they will be around in the future.

Thanks also for your feed back. All the best.

Robert Alston
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