Hello Russell
I notice from your blog that you were moored alongside a Winkle Brig.
A fantastic little pocket cruiser, I loved mine. Great fun to sail, but no match for a CC19.
Where it does beat a CC19 though is in the amount of space it offers down below, especially for a boat of it's size. (16 feet on deck, 20 feet inc. bowsprit)
How it manages this trick is having no compression post and no centreboard casing. What a difference that makes.
The vertical mast load is taken by a (wooden) beam across the cabin front and it has twin lifting keels which rise into casings fitted under the forward end of the quarter berths.
The boat has a full internal moulding and lots of internal timber to give a cosy feel.
The volume between the internal moulding and the hull is filled with foam, making the boat unsinkable.
I have fond memories, I may not have been so happy though if I had to sail one against a CC19, just no contest!