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Furling v Roller Reefing

PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2024 2:32 pm
by Paul Flint
As a relative newbie to the CC19, with barely a season's use, I wish to clarify if the standard roller furling system mounted on the outer end of the bowsprit can be used both to furl and to reef the foresail, or just the former? I suspect that it is only designed to be a furling system that requires the sail to be either fully deployed or completely furled, but it would be a useful bonus if it can be used also to reduce the size of the sail in a blow. Many thanks for any advice.

Re: Furling v Roller Reefing

PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2024 9:15 pm
by bellalistair
Hi Paul,

as standard it is just furling, to be honest the CC19 sails well on the staysail so despite feeling like a big loss of sail area it doesn't have that big an impact. I think it has been mentioned previously that Dudley Dix (the designer) did not really intend it to be sailed as a Cutter with both foresails to be out at once, there isn't really enough room but you can with a good dose of trimming. They sail well on staysail and 1 reef so have a play!

Re: Furling v Roller Reefing

PostPosted: Sat May 25, 2024 4:17 pm
by Paul Flint
Thanks Alistair, wise words, as I have certainly found the boat a bit of a handful (single handed) with all three sails set. Staysail alone seems well balanced. As suggested, I'll have a play! Thanks.