CC 19 Rally Whitsun 2022

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Re: CC 19 Rally Whitsun 2022

Postby Malcolm Sadler » Thu Nov 25, 2021 7:47 pm

Hello Archie

A belated welcome to the Association! You have a boat who knows her way around Argyll and Bute - I gather Colin McDougall sailed Foxglove out of Tayvallich.

I am so glad you will be able to join for even part of the rally. These events are such a great way of meeting other owners and getting tips on the idiosyncrasies of Cape Cutters.

Of course if the weather dictates that we go for Plan B you may choose to be with us the entire week - we may even be asking you to act as pilot as you will know the shoals and currents of the lochs far better than we southerners!

As you are very familiar with the outer Argyll coast, I wonder if you would mind my picking your brains so as to clarify some of the details of Plan A and A2? If that is OK perhaps you could text my phone (number in previous post) and we can fix a time for a call.

All the best


Archie Hardie wrote:Hello Malcolm,
I am Archie Hardie. I am the owner of Foxglove. I am based at Rhu marina on the northern end of the Firth of Clyde, near Helensburgh ….. I have been up and down the west coast north of Crinan many times ……
Looking forward to meeting fellow owners next year
Malcolm Sadler
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Re: CC 19 Rally Whitsun 2022

Postby Ian Clark » Sat Jan 15, 2022 11:59 am

Hello Malcom & Gary,

I’m the new owner, or custodian of Miss Molly (MM) No 70, planning to sail out of Chichester Harbour.
I purchased her in the summer of 2021 but had to busy myself selling my old boat before I could attend to the numerous maintenance tasks on MM due to her being unused for some time. The sale has now been completed.
While many of the tasks on MM are just titivation some are essential, namely navigation & anchor lights and all new bunk cushions as well as the very first launch, sail and recovery.

And so now I’m wondering if it is possible to include MM in the Rally, assuming I can complete the refit in time.

I am retired and so A, A2 & B are ok. I will comprise the entire crew as a single hander (novice on MM but not to sailing!).

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Ian Clark

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Ian Clark
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Re: CC 19 Rally Whitsun 2022

Postby bellalistair » Thu Jan 20, 2022 10:40 pm

Hi Ian,

It would be good to have you along, I am sure there would be space for you.


We have however realised that the week includes the Jubilee holiday and so might not now be able to come for the whole week as we might have other commitments with events for that. Will keep you posted.

Katie & Alistair
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Re: CC 19 Rally Whitsun 2022

Postby bellalistair » Sun Feb 27, 2022 11:07 pm

Sounds like there are a good number of boats coming, we are now back on for the full week :-) anyone else interested please let Malcolm know.
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Re: CC 19 Rally Whitsun 2022

Postby Malcolm Sadler » Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:34 pm

Hello Ian

Welcome to this thread and your first Association Rally.

Delighted that you and Miss Molly will be able to join us in Scotland. My apologies that I've been a bit distracted recently and didn't get back to you immediately, but thanks to Alistair yet again for stepping in when there's a need!

Our Solent rally last year featured a sea shanty ably adapted for the skippers and crew attending - I can't wait to hear what might be sung in Argyll in homage to Little Richard ... rockin' and a rollin' takes on a new meaning on a Cape Cutter!

Thanks for answering all the questions I put out. I assume you'll be one for the minibus back to Largs from Oban too?

I hope we'll may meet up in Chichester Habour as well as in the Clyde - Northney is the closest launching point to Oxford and I try to get there as often as the diary permits. Nick Cooke (I hope I've spelled that correctly) keeps Grilla there also.

All the best

Malcolm Sadler
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Re: CC 19 Rally Whitsun 2022

Postby Malcolm Sadler » Tue Mar 01, 2022 4:04 pm

Any more for Scotland?

There are 13 boats joining the 2022 rally. Its great that this is such a popular destination.

Does anyone else want to join? The dates are 27th May to 5th June (sorry, Your Majesty, about the clash with your Jubilee celebrations, but we booked the slot first). The lists are still open and it should be a wonderful week.

The boats who have confirmed so far are:-

Bella, Cape Whisper, Fraoch III, Halcyon, Kira, Ladybird, Meisje, Miss Molly, Moneypenny, Rondo, Stardust, Tystie, Wadudu.

Keep an eye on the Whatsapp chat for updates as the we get into the detailed planning.

All the best

Malcolm Sadler
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Re: CC 19 Rally Whitsun 2022

Postby Malcolm Sadler » Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:06 pm

For anyone who isn’t in the WhatsApp chat, here is the intended programme for the Rally. I say 'intended' because if there are strong south westerlies throughout the week, the sailing between Crinan and Oban may be a bit too uncomfortable/dangerous for 19ft craft, so we have a 'Plan B' for that contingency.

Please note that launching day is now 27th May - the Friday - rather than Saturday 28th May as I originally proposed in my post of 13 Nov in the CC19Assn Forum. I hope that doesn't deter anyone ?

Our Plan A, then, is as follows:-
Friday 27th May - a towing and launching day. Arrive Largs Yacht Haven, launch, overnight at Largs, where we hope to have an opening dinner at the Sailing Club or marina restaurant. NOTE Gary and I will be arriving on Thursday 26th, and anyone who wants to do that is welcome. A chance then for a shake-down sail on Friday in region of Largs and the Cumbraes.
Saturday 28th May - Sail past Rothesay, through the Kyles of Bute, to Tighnabruaich. We will moor overnight on the visitor moorings and have dinner at Kames Hotel.
Sunday 29th May - To East L Tarbert - overnight at the marina in the wonderful natural harbour there. Plenty of pubs and restaurants in this pretty little town, including some of the best fish and chips anywhere!
Monday 30th May - to Ardrishaig, lock in to the Crinan Canal, along the canal to overnight near Cairnbaan Hotel where we hope to book supper.
Tuesday 31st May - the remainder of the canal to Crinan, then explore L Craignish to and onward to overnight at Croabh (pronounced 'Croove' so I'm told!) Haven. Depending on weather we could go to Ardfern Marina instead.
Wednesday 1st June - explore up into L Melfort, where otters may be seen with luck. If the weather is on our side, then there is time for some competitive sailing out of Croabh on the Wednesday - the local sailing club has a race round the Isle of Shuna and I hope to obtain a copy of their course instructions. Overnight at Croabh Haven with dinner at Marina Pub.
Thursday 2nd June. Sail to Puilladobhrain Anchorage, where we will overnight. We'll need sufficient people to take dinghies to relay everyone ashore on this occasion, as for the night on moorings at Tighnabruaich. There's a pub a mile's walk from the anchorage where we'll have supper.
Friday 3rd June - sail via Oban, where I hope we can persuade the harbour master to let us tie up for a few hours on the town wharf for lunch, then to Dunstaffnage Marina, where we will be recovering our boats. Overnight on the Friday there.
NOTE - in case bad weather kicks up after we get through the Crinan Canal, we could rearrange the programme so as to ride out a blow either at Ardfern or Craobh. The Oban Marina on Kerrera would be an alternative to anchoring in Puilladobhrain if need be. I am hoping we will have reasonable flexibility with Marina availability so early in the season - and having come so far from the launch port on a linear passage we need to build in to contingency plans.
Saturday 4th June - boat skippers travel by road back to Largs, collect cars and trailers and return to Dunstaffnage (about a 3 hour drive). We are working on hiring a minibus for the trip to Largs - not much more expensive than train and saves several hours of journey time.
Sunday 5th June. Recover boats and head towards home. High tide is 10.11am and there is only an hour or two either side when the slip is usable. I await details. This is the reason we need to start the final day with our cars and trailers in Dunstaffnage, hence also the need to arrive there by boat on the Friday night.
Some people may choose to stay on for a few days - there's fabulous cruising from there. Do let us know and I will let the Marina know when making bookings.

Plan B

Plan B would be required in the event of unseasonably strong SW winds.

There are a number of alternatives, depending on the conditions. By keeping on the east side of Kintyre we should have more manageable seas. I am grateful to Archie Hardie (new owner of CC 'Foxglove') for the following ideas of what Plan B might look like, though we would probably change the order to take advantage of bookings made for Plan A where these can be fitted into Plan B

Day 1. Start by heading north, with the following wind Largs to Rhu marina. Lots to do visiting Helensburgh nearby (e.g. Submarine museum). Following day if still very windy explore the sheltered Gareloch.
If the weather has calmed down a bit, Day 2 Rhu to Carrick castle, Loch Goil, lying on the moorings at Carrick castle sailing club, or going up to the head of Loch Goil where there are moorings and a jetty and hotel.
Day 3 Loch Goil down Loch Long to the Holy Loch marina
Day 4 Kyles of Bute and Tighnabruaich
Day 5 Tarbert,
Day 6 Cruise north up Loch Fyne - maybe lunch at Otter Ferry - back to Portavadie marina,
Days 7 perhaps Carradale, then to Arran (Lochranza, which happens to have an excellent distillery),
Day 8 back to Largs
Day 9 (Sunday 5th June - recover boats and head home).

The inevitable, but important, disclaimer:-

The waters from Crinan to Oban are notorious for rapid tides and some narrow channels. Sailing these, in the midst of beautiful coastal and island scenery, will be a highlight of the rally. But the sailing needs careful passage planning and attention, and as always for the Association Rallies, each skipper is solely responsible for their own navigation and for all sailing decisions. As mentioned in my November Forum post, I recommend reading Clyde Cruising Club's 'Sailing Directions and Anchorages' and also obtaining the Antares Charts for the area.


Marinas seem to cost between £16 and £25 per night. We will be trying for group discounts of course, but we need flexibility to accommodate any route or timing changes the weather forces on us.

There are slipway fees at Largs and Dunstaffnage. We are hopeful there will be free car and trailer parking at Largs.

The Crinan Canal is about £70 per boat, though again we hope for a 10% group discount. The fee includes mooring overnight.

Transport back to Largs is likely to be in the region of £35/40 per person (13 or 14 people) in a minibus hired with driver - similar to the train fare. We will work on the most cost efficient solution.

Otherwise, the costs will be for meals and provisions.

I hope this gives you all enough to go on for the time being to get dates in the diary and book time off.

Responses please, for anyone reading this who has not already given me the info via this thread or the WhatsApp:-

please confirm :-
1 - are you a definite 'yes', subject to usual slings and arrows?
2 - would you intend to
(a) arrive at Largs any earlier than Friday 27th May?
(b) stay on at Dunstaffnage after Sunday 5th June?
3 - likely number of people on your boat, including skipper - I realise this will change, but for tentative restaurant bookings we'd like current best guess please.

All the best

Malcolm Sadler
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Re: CC 19 Rally Whitsun 2022

Postby Ian Clark » Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:08 pm

Hello Malcom
I am definitely aiming to join the Rally as the West Coast of Scotland is on my bucket list.
It is just me by myself onboard.
I will aim to arrive on Thursday 26th May and intend to join the mini bus outing back to Largs but stay on for a night at Dunstaffnage then sail off & return 11th/12th for recovery onto trailer then leaving boat & trailer while driving round on land with my wife until 19th June for hooking up and returning home.
As a new owner I shall be desperately trying to log some sailing time in April & early May to familiarise myself with my boat.
Are there any distilleries of interest along our route? Just curious!
Looking forward to learning lots & meeting everyone.

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Ian Clark
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Re: CC 19 Rally Whitsun 2022

Postby Malcolm Sadler » Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:45 pm

Hello Ian

Thanks for the response to all the questions.

It sounds as if you have a very good early summer lined up. As you will be in the Scottish Highlands after the first week of June, may I counsel you to take an effective anti-midge defence. I had a nasty midge experience near L Sunart in 1965 and I’ve never forgotten it!!

Do post in the Forum where you will be sailing before then - there’s often someone who would like to sail in company. There is an ‘Ad Hoc Social Sails’ heading which would be good to refresh.

All the best

Malcolm Sadler
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Re: CC 19 Rally Whitsun 2022

Postby Malcolm Sadler » Wed Mar 16, 2022 7:17 pm

For anyone not in the Rally WhatsApp group, here is what I’ve just posted:-

Hello all

Gary is doing his thing with marinas and pubs/restaurants so we’d like latest estimates of numbers please.

So far I have got :-
Bella (Ian and Cath)
Cape Whisper (Donald - any crew to add ?)
Fraoch III (Jonathan and Louise)
Halcyon (Simon)
Kira (Lee and 1 crew)
Ladybird (Andrew and 3 crew)
Meisje (Adam and, for first part, Matthew. Can you say yet how many nights Matthew will be with us, Adam?)
Miss Molly (Ian)
Moneypenny (Gary and Jayne)
Rondo (Malcolm and probably 1 crew)
Stardust (Jonathan and James)
Tystie (Alistair and Katie)
Wadudu (Tony and possibly 1 crew)

If anyone has any changes or can give a more accurate estimate of numbers at this stage please let me know.

Ditto if anyone knows of other members who are thinking of bringing their boats. I have contacted everyone who was on the Solent Rally last year but there are lots of other Cape Cutters out there.

All the best

Malcolm Sadler
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Posts: 271
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