I thought I should pass this one on.
Ladybird has a Mariner 6hp outboard with a charging circuit, the also has a 20w solar panel (with Steca controller). These both keep a 33 ahr AGM battery charged.
After a few sunny days (:D) with the battery status at 100%, we motored out for a sail and noticed that the solar panel controller was in fault (battery voltage too high). This returned to normal when the engine was turned off.
I have looked into this and taken some measurements and it seems that this is in fact true. The output from the Mariner and I guess most small outboards is un-regulated 1/2 wave DC. I have measured in excess of 15v DC at the battery with the engine running at 3/4 throttle

I have now purchased a rectifier/regulator from electrexworld (very helpful) to solve this.
I think it would be Ok with just the outboard but the solar panel is working so well the battery is at full charge most of the time.
Happy sailing