Scotland Jolly 2025
Following last night's zoom meeting here is an update:
Jolly dates are set for a start 23 August with a break/changeover day 30-31 August and end of event 7 September. These dates will miss the Scotland late Summer Public Holiday, hopefully the midges will have gone and the weather will still be in summer mode.
The itinerary is yet to be set, but having a mid-event break will permit those boats unable to make two weeks to leave/join. The itinerary will not be 'fixed' as per previous events and a more flexible planning method adopted (ie no plans!). Potentially we could go N&E one week and S&W one week? It is hoped this flexibility will enable walkers to walk and day sailors to sail....from marinas. If we were to go S&W this may require on-board catering and anchors as marinas are sparse on the way to Campbeltown!
Initial thoughts are that we will use Largs as our 'base' port - but I will make some enquiries in due course.
I have set up a WhatsApp group - if you'd like to be a member of this group to keep up-to-date let me know, email me your phone number and I'll add you in. (Email direct fro=m this site or via: Helen and Gerard it was lovely to see you on the Zoom, but I need your number!
I have about 14 interested boats on my list, so not should be a good event!
Any questions let me know. Happy Sailing